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Attendance & PEIMS

Stacey Sens

Campus PEIMS/Attendance Clerk:  

Ms. Stacey Sens

(361) 547-4106 ext. 2020

Attendance and Tardy Violation Procedure: Attendance matters each and every day. Thank you for sending your child to school. Please make sure your child is at school on time. The instructional school day begins at 7:15 AM. Our district tardy policy has been in place since the first day of school. To avoid consequences for your child in regards to the tardy policy/procedures please ensure they are here at school prior to 7:45 a.m.  Consequences per semester are as follows: If your child is tardy 4 times they will receive a lunch time detention, tardy 5 thru 8 will be given 30 minute detentions before or after school and on tardy 9 thru 14 your child will be required to attend Saturday School.